分销用英语怎么说 分销的英语翻译

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分销用英语怎么说 分销的英语翻译

2023-06-19 19:08| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

导读: 分销用英语翻译为"sales and distribution",分销用英语怎么说 分销的英语翻译,还网络中常译为"  Distribute",在《荷林斯英英小词典》中,共找到10个与分销相关的译文和例句。

分销用英语翻译为"sales and distribution",还网络中常译为"  Distribute",在《荷林斯英英小词典》中,共找到10个与分销相关的译文和例句。


1. sales and distribution

分销翻译为sales and distribution。

示例:我们正在迅速地从以制造业和商品为基础的经济向以信息、服务、支持和分销为最大价值的经济转变。We are rapidly shifting from an economy based on manufacturing and commodities to one that places the greatest value on information, services, support, and distribution.


2.   Distribute

分销翻译为   Distribute。

示例:柴油的价格会更高,但石油基柴油在美国的销售价格为每升57美分,不含分销成本和税金,因此应该有获利空间。Diesel will cost more, but petroleum-based diesel sells in America for 57 cents a litre before distribution costs and tax, so there should be room for profit.


3.   Place

分销翻译为   Place。

示例:他的创造力体现在 iPod、iPhone 和 iPad 等产品上,也体现在在线音乐和移动软件的定价和分销的新商业模式上。His creative force is seen in products such as the iPod, iPhone, and iPad, and in new business models for pricing and distributing music and mobile software online.


4. retail store

分销翻译为retail store。

示例:1931, Retail appliance salesman in Barnhoff's department store, Cincinnati.xx年辛辛那提的邦福氏百货商 零售器具部的推销员



1. subunderwriting(分销)

2. distribucions( 分销)

3. distributeth( 分销)

4. distributing plant(分销工厂)

5. distribution company(分销公司)


Distributor Reseller Manufacturer-Distributor Full-line Distributor ( 分销商 )

DRP Distribution Resource Planning OA ( 分销资源计划 )

GDS Global Distribution System GlobalDisributSystem ( 全球分销系统 )

costs of distribution Distribution costs Costs cost of distribution ( 分销成本 )

exclusive distribution ( 独家分销 )

distribution decisions ( 分销决策 )

Placing Strategy distribution strategy ( 分销策略 )

distribution channel designs Design of distribution channels distribution channel design ( 分销渠道设计 )

marketing channel channel of distribution distribution channel place ( 分销途径 )


1. But this business of coming here to see my distributor, i can't.

译文:但生意做到这里 我不能去见我的分销商。

2. We don't have the distribution chain.

译文:我们没有 分销链。

3. Mayans set up shop in Lodi.


4. Your guy. Your distribution guy. The guy Saul hooked you up with.

译文:你的人 分销商。

5. We're the number four distributor in southern California.


6. is the holy grail of distribution channels.

译文:是的圣杯 分销渠道。

7. i just handle distribution.


8. Maybe, you know, for you to try to imagine this, these are films that are distributed directly in markets.

译文:试想一下 这些是直接在市场上分销的电影。

9. Floriana Campo is the largest distributor of enslaved children in the eastern hemisphere.

译文:Floriana Campo是东半球最大的奴役儿童分销商。

10. Your country would handle the manufacturing and distribution.


11. i don't work in distribution.


12. Oh! Our distributors will be delighted.


13. They wanted me to sell drugs for them.

译文:他们要我 帮他们把分销出去。

14. Your distribution chain collapses.


15. i just saw the distributor going into the meeting with Lobos.


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